Ho'oponopono for Health 108 times chanting with 432 Hz Frequency
This video is specifically to thank the body and express gratitude to the body for supporting you since the day your were put on this earth. This prayer will help clear the internal baggage and promote wellness and good health. This has been chanted 108 times to ensure maximum benefit. This will help in clearing your inner trauma, blocks and enable healing of the body making the listener feel lighter and better . It is interposed with 432 Hz music to help the listener transcend into a more relaxed state of mind for better absorption. This chanting will help you align with the Universe and the universal forces If this video has helped you please subscribe to my channel @relaxinghappymusic123 Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawain prayer which can be used to heal anything. You can use this to heal relationships, health, money issues, mental state etc It involves chanting of 4 simple statements Ho'oponopono Chanting 108 times I love you Please Forgive me I am sorry Thank you If you are doing it for yourself just close your eyes and keep chanting it If you are doing it for someone else visualize that person and do it Its a simple cleansing prayer which works on the univeral Hindu Principle of One in all and All in One. If you think this prayer has helped you please do let us know in the comments and subscribe to our channel @relaxinghappymusic123 #ho’oponoponoforhealth #hooponoponoforhealth #health #body #wellbeing #selfhealing, #forgive, #gratitude, #love, #selflove #ho'oponopono, #hoponopono, #hooponopono, #selfhealing, #solutions, #answers, #spiritual, #secret, #healing, #money , #relationship, #abundance, #viral, #trending, #secret, #Universe #prayer, #life, #viral, #trending, #viralvideo, ORIGIN OF THIS TECHNIQUE Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Traditionally it was practiced by family members for a person who was physically ill as it was thought that guilt over errors the person had committed had made them sick. Modern researchers have found that the applications of Ho’opono pono can have far reaching implications and can be used in any situation, problem, issue, relationship or concern, simply by using your intention and attention to use these 4 key mantras for healing of all relationships and for manifestations of abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a therapist at the Hawaii State Hospital. He worked with patients who had been diagnosed as dangerous and criminally insane. When he began working there, the ward he was on was assigned to was not a good place to be. The staff including the doctors quit or called in sick on a regular basis. It was a high-stress environment with many staff terrified of the patients and we can say, it was just as bad for the patients as many of them were shackled or heavily sedated. As Dr. Hew Len would review a patient’s file he would practice Ho’opono Pono repeating the key mantras over and over again and directing them not at the patients as you might have expected, but at himself as at the centre of Ho’opono Pono lies the belief that we all have a responsibility for the reality we experience. So, Dr. Hew Len believed that to heal these patients he would first have to heal himself and as he did so, incredibly, even patients he had never seen began to heal. Patients came off their medication, stopped being violent and some were even released. People began enjoying coming to work there and absenteeism and staff turnover stopped. Dr. Hew Len’s story then began to circulate and as people began to practice this amazing, profound yet simple technique they began to see incredible changes take place in their lives as blockages to success, to happiness and wellbeing just seemed to disappear. Repeat the 4 simple phrases with deep healing qualities, 108 times I’m sorry Please forgive me Thank you I love you