God of War: Ghost of Sparta | Challenge of the Gods (Athena) | Challenge #3/8 "Guard Break"
GUIDE PLAYLIST • God of War: Ghost of Sparta | Challen... SUBSCRIBE: / bickbened. . SAFELY DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... ACTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA: Google+: http://google.com/+BickBenedict1 -Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bickbene... Twitter: / bickbenedict VIDEO DESCRIPTION From God of War: Ghost of Sparta, this is my "Challenge of the Gods" video walkthrough. The series features thirteen trials consigned either to the "Ares" or "Athena" supgrouping header. Trials 1-5 fall under the former; 6-13, the latter. The playlist URL for the "Athena" trials can be found at the top of the description under the heading "Guide Playlist." Should you seek the "Ares" trials' playlist, its URL can be found here: • God of War: Ghost of Sparta | Challen... . Thank you so much for watching and for your support! Enjoy the content!