Should You Pay Off Your Home loan Early or Invest? | Financial Advisor Explains | Home Loan India

Should You Pay Off Your Home loan Early or Invest? | Financial Advisor Explains | Home Loan India

✅To Consult Bhaven, CFP for your personal financial planning, click on the below link ✅ Or WhatsApp on - 9004789500 ✅ To open an account with ZERODHA and invest in direct mutual funds, click on the below link(affiliate) In this video, deciding where to put your hard-earned money is often a complicated decision. That’s especially true if you’re considering paying off your mortgage early. While owning a home outright is a common aspiration, it may be more beneficial to invest extra cash in the markets instead. There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to pay off your mortgage or invest the difference, including your personal financial values, time horizon, taxes, risk tolerance and the potential impact on savings. ✅ Join our you-tube channel membership to get one stock recommendation each month for long term investing, click the link below    / @theartofwealthbuilding   ✅join the exclusive telegram channel - ✅ VISIT OUR WEBSITE - ✅ Facebook for, wealth creation tips-   / theartofwealthbuilding   ✅ Join our exclusive, Facebook group About Bhaven, a Certified financial planner Bhaven, CFP is the founder of The Art of Wealth Building, a financial planning firm that helps professionals make mindful decisions with their money and strategically use their incomes to achieve financial freedom. He started a YouTube channel with a vision of spreading financial literacy, he started this mission in November 2017 and within the span of 5 years he has more than 2 lahks + subscribers and over 10 million views on his YOUTUBE channel “the art of wealth building” The Art of Wealth Building is a professionally managed company led by a business professional comprising of Certified Financial Planner, with several years of experience in Financial Planning and Estate Planning. Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI-registered investment advisor or research analyst. The content posted on this platform is purely for educational purposes and none of it constitutes investing or trading advice. Viewers should do their own research and diligence before investing or acting on the information presented. our website- VISIT OUR WEBSITE ✅ Instagram, for passive income tips -   / theartofwealthbuilding   ✅ MOST POPULAR VIDEOS IN OUR CHANNEL LINK    • Personal Finance