Womens Meet Live | 26th Sep 2023 | Ps N Karunakar | Covenant Church |
#pastorKarunakarNerusula #CovenantChurch #Fastingprayers #Live THANKS FOR WATCHING If you are led by the Holy Spirit and want to support our non-profit Ministry You Can Support our Ministry with the details given below State Bank of India Nerusula Karunakar Ac No: 31101511239 Ifsc: SBIN0000890 For Prayer Requests and Whatsapp Contact : 9949920813, 9394614960 Our Address Pastor Karunakar Nerusula Covenant Church Gandhi Nagar 5th Lane MM Road, Ongole, Prakasam dt, AP Tags: #christiansongs #christian #jesuschrist #tamilchristiansong #jesus #teluguchristiansongs #christianmusic #worship #telugu #christiansong #jesuslovesyou #christianity #teluguchristianyouthnetwork #bible #teluguchristian #god #jesussongs #teluguchristianworship #bibleverse #christians #music #song #johnjebarajsongs #tamilworshipsongs #praisethelord #gospel #jesusredeems #telugugospelsong #johnjebaraj #bhfyp #jesusworshipsongs2020 #covenantchurch #rajprakashpaul #ravindervottepu #anikumar #satishkumarsongs #jesussadsong #jesusmelodysongs #2020jesussongs #pjstephenpaul #drjayapaul #johnwesley #Live #Christianmessages #sermons #Christiansermons #spiritualgrowth #growinspirit #jesuschrist #jesusislord #passionforchrist