몸에 좋은 시금치🥬 수확 장면 For the first time in his life, My 8-year-old son harvested super healthy spinach.

몸에 좋은 시금치🥬 수확 장면 For the first time in his life, My 8-year-old son harvested super healthy spinach.

#shorts 태어나서 처음으로 시금치를 캐 보는 8살 남자아이입니다 시금치 입에도 안데는데 몸에 좋은 건 알고 있네요 🤨 알면서 계속안 먹습니다 ㅡ ㅡㅡ 작년 10월에 심은 겨울 시금치에요! He is an 8-year-old boy who digs spinach for the first time in his life My son hates eating spinach, but he knows it's good for him 🤨 It is winter spinach that was planted last October! #겨울시금치 #시금치수확장면 #시금치케기 #아침놀텃밭