I've owned an 8th gen Civic SI for a year....Here are my thoughts

I've owned an 8th gen Civic SI for a year....Here are my thoughts

It's been a great run but it is time to sell my lovely 8th gen Honda Civic SI...I will miss it but I know this is the right move (for now). If you're interested in buying (the price may be a shock) - https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/... 📱 Social Media   / pattyboiofficial   Timestamps: 0:00 Teh car 0:46 Interior Thots 4:23 DriViNG ExPeRienCe 6:12 BackZeets 7:05 Weird Thing 8:20 For when you need to hid a body 8:50 VTEC BRO 9:57 Track Day Bro 11:18 Something I learned 12:52 Yes I like this car 13:44 Why I'm disowning teh civic #honda #fg2 #review DISCLAIMER: Patty Boi videos are solely for entertainment purposes - never perform any modifications to your vehicle that will violate your local road going laws. We assume no liability for property damage or injury as a result of any of the information contained in this video - use the information provided at your own risk.