Festival Worship 8/13/2023

Festival Worship 8/13/2023

Our Festival Service! Visitor Sign-In: https://bit.ly/Visitor-Sign-In Visit Us: https://www.akronfcc.org Facebook:   / firstchurchakron   Twitter:   / 1stchurchakron   Instagram:   / firstchurchakron   00:00 - Preservice 06:39 - Announcements 07:56 - General Service 18:29 - Thoughts for the Young 27:04 - General Service 33:33 - Reading: Matthew 14:22-33 35:10 - Sermon: Sinking Sand, Rev. Nanette Pitt, Senior Minister 55:51 - General Service First Congregational Church of Akron in Akron, Ohio. All music used during the live stream and archived footage is done under broadcast licenses from OneLicense and CCLI. http://www.akronfcc.org   / firstchurchakron     / 1stchurchakron     / firstchurchakron