Easy Cake Pop Hack
Easy Cake Pop Hack! Perfect for Easter or B-Days 💕🐣🎂 Yes..we know what donut holes are called in Canada but not everyone knows around the world 🥰 If you try this let me know but if you want to make them with actual cake see below! A little more work but fun to do with the kids 👍1 box vanilla cake mix adding all the ingredients and mix it together with1 cup frosting. Make sure cake is cool. Roll into balls and refrigerate on a pan with parchment paper for at least 4 hours. Put your lollipop sticks in after dipping in chocolate melting wafers. Let set on the parchment paper again. Dip the whole thing in the melted melting wafers and dip in sprinkles. Stick them into a styrofoam base and ready for display. (I wrapped mine in gift paper) #hack #donuts #birthdaycake