Residen Evil 5 Offline | Chris Professional "NG" | No upgrade/shop & No Damage | S rank | Chapter 5

Residen Evil 5 Offline | Chris Professional "NG" | No upgrade/shop & No Damage | S rank | Chapter 5

the infamous chapter 5... where to begin with this chapter? the major problem is going to be lickers, because your bot will always run in order to catching up to you even you're walking, and guess what happen? you're fucked by the lickers because of the ai, and they made licker be an omniscient that always know where you are after they are alerted, despise these fuckers are blind. that's why i said garrador's ai in DEmake is identical to these fuckers. the worst part is these guy just loves using their tongue attack move, when you want to do the counter attack to knock them down. just dont bother do that, it's a waste of time. shoot them in the head and then heart with pistol or smg. if you knock them down around 3 times, licker will just stay down and you can run up to them and insta kill them. sheva is going to have harder time than chris, because sheva will use the ground execution move that takes for ever. so all of the licker sections are made around chris. and then the spinning elevator, this section is not that bad once you figured the spawn. but it just made my head spin. just keep walking against the elevator spinning and stay behind the core pillar you'll be fine, but dont stand too close to the pillar or else you'll get shot from below. it have some space there. and the guy that hold the elevator can be killed with 1 pistol shot. so just go for body shot with a sniper or snipe them with pistol. U-8, he is not that much of the problem, i just over complicate this boss for no reason. if he does not summon the mosquidos, just drop some of your ammo. he will start summoning if you're low on ammo, and hope the RNG loot drop will give you grenades. or just bring 3 nades with you from very start. the worst part is going to be wesker and jill section, not the boss themselves but the AI. if you let the AI deal with jill, you're pretty much on the inconsistent timer. that ai will eventually die from jill's smg. just hide and keep calling your ai, until wesker end his dialogs and goes away (i will show this in my sheva playthrough.). or just rocket him like i did. as long as you're around 15 running steps radius near him wesker he will keep doing his monologue. if you're playing with crosshair, your gunshots will not always goes straight so sometime you will hit jill, while she is not restrain or stun. so use flash nades or rounds. if you dont want to use them just keep circle around jill clockwise until she stun from chris calling her. you have all the time in the world at that point. jill's device is a hit based, you need to shoot 7 times regradless of weapon. so dont use magnum or sniper or shotgun(obviously). you know? i am glad, that there're people who are with me about how shit RE4DEmake is, i mean it. atleast i know that i am not insane. so thank you to anyone who support me with this. 0:00 5-1 13:38 5-2 36:49 5-3