Sam Smith - I'm Not the Only One | Mary Vélez (cover)
Hi sweeties! Here's a cover from "I'm Not the Only One" by Sam Smith. Hope you like it! I'm trying to stay constant and to keep connected with you, feel free to DM me or leave a comment here, I'll always answer you, I love you ❤️ ❤️ If You Enjoy This Video, Consider Hitting The Like Button! 💜 Subscribe To Stay Notified For New Videos: @MaryyVelezz I invite you to listen to it on BandLab here: 🎶 BandLab: https://www.bandlab.com/post/cede3ffe... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✧ Follow Me ✧ • IInstagram: / maryyvelezz TikTok: / maryyvelezz SoundCloud: / maryyvelezz BandLab: https://www.bandlab.com/maryyvelezz Vlogs Channel: @thisismarysdiary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✧ Tags ✧ • #maryvelez #imnottheonlyone #imnottheonlyonecover #samsmith #samsmithcover