Dec 24, 2021: The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord

Dec 24, 2021: The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord

8:30 pm Holy Eucharist Note: because of a technical issue, an HD recording of this service is not available. 0:00 Musical Prelude 30:39 Opening Hymn 34:07 Gloria 36:45 Lesson 38:45 Psalm 42:24 Epistle 47:01 Gospel Reading 50:10 Sermon 1:08:24 Prayers of the People 1:30:20 Eucharistic Prayer 1:37:39 Communion 1:56:04 Postlude Participating In This Service: The Rev. Katharine Flexer, Celebrant & Preacher The Rev. Richard P. Limato, Deacon John Cantrell, Organist & Choirmaster St. Michael's Choir Rebecca Ehren, Organ Scholar Sam Sue & Benjamin Hinch, Lectors Ron Medley, Intercessor Peter Ennis, Jeff Jeffreys, Richard Leong, Carole O’Connor-Edwards & Juanita Pratt, Acolytes Anne Pearce & Michael Smith, Altar Guild Damon Hankoff, Livestream Producer Like, Subscribe, Share: Click Here - Visit St. Michael's online at Or on Facebook at   / stmichaelsnyc   St Michael's ministries facilities feed and nurture members of our community in body and soul with room for prayer, meals, and work - and we do all of that and more online. To continue supporting our ministry, you can donate online: #StMichaelsUWS #StMichaelsNYC