Napoleon Hill's Dirty Secret (The Book You Never Read)
Check out our new website: https://www.shopmywork.com/ If you're watching this video, you most likely know who Napoleon Hill is and what his legacy is that left to the world. But still we think it would be valuable to share: A list with all Books by Napoleon Hill which some people simply call Napoleon Hill Books. 1. "The Law of Success" (1928) which sometimes people confuse for Laws of Success but the prior is correct. 2. "The Magic Ladder To Success" (1930) 3. "Think and Grow Rich" (1937), Napoleon Hill's most popular book. In fact so popular that many people search for the Think and Grow Rich Audio and Think and Grow Rich Quotes constantly even 80 years after the book has actually been published officialy. 4. "Outwitting the Devil" (1938) 5. "How to Sell Your Way through Life" (1939) 6. "The Master-Key to Riches" (1945) 7. "How to Raise Your Own Salary" (1953) 8. "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" (with W.. Clement Stone )(1959) 9. "Grow Rich!: With Peace of Mind" (1967) 10."Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion" (1970) 11."You Can Work Your Own Miracles" (1971) Many people search for Napoleon Hill's biography and his work has inspired millions of entrepreneurs around the world. He is the father of personal development and arguably have indirectly created via his philosophy more millionaires than anyone else.