I Spent 10 Days In A POOR Adopt Me Server! (Roblox)
🦄 BECOME A MEMBER WITH SPECIAL PERKS: https://t.co/ckFG6LkOvY 🦄 🦄 Enter my Star code ⭐️iamsanna⭐️ when you buy Robux at https://t.co/uVuYnoKTb6 🦄 (When you use my code Roblox gives me a small percentage of your purchase! Thank you for the support!) ❤️MERCH: https://iamsannashop.com/ 💜INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/iamsanna ❤️TWITTER: www.twitter.com/iamsannay 🦄Moody Unicorn Twin🦄 / moodyunicorntwinroblox 🌸Silly🌸 / sillyroblox 🌈Sunny Unicorn Twin🌈 / @sunnyunicorntwin 🐰Cutie🐰 / @cutiethebunny 💙ALL GIVEAWAYS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON TWITTER @iamsannay💙 My Capture Card: http://e.lga.to/iamSanna This video is child friendly / kid friendly / family friendly 👸🤴 #Roblox #Gaming #AdoptMe