7 Ways Your Courtyard Garden Can Help Wildlife - Build Wild Habitat on Concrete Floor | UK Gardening
Trying to get this video done during a house move might have been a bit ambitious but here it is. Have you got any of the improvements I talked about in this video in your garden? Are there any I missed that you think would work great in a courtyard? Check out my detailed guide on even more wildlife friendly improvements for courtyards: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/10138... Do you have a grass garden? Then check out a similar video I made just for you: • How to Create a Wildlife Friendly Gar... Support me on patreon: / feraforus FeraForus website: https://feraforus.co.uk/ Join the FeraForus mailing list for newsletter updates by emailing [email protected] I use Clip Studio Paint for my animations (affiliate link): https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-1003292... Video Contents: 0:00 - Intro 1:01 - Raised Bed 3:03 - Rockery 4:30 - Container Garden 6:09 - Wall Gap 7:30 - Pond 9:27 - Use 3D Space 10:35 - Bee Hotel 11:23 - Outro