How To Restrict Someone On Instagram Without Blocking | Social Tech Insider

How To Restrict Someone On Instagram Without Blocking | Social Tech Insider

How To Restrict Someone On Instagram Without Blocking | Social Tech Insider In this tutorial video from Instagram, we explain to you the best way to Restrict Someone On Instagram Without Blocking 💡Want to know something and this video is not yet on our channel? Let us know in the comments and we will make a video of it right away! ❤ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE TUTORIALS LIKE THESE 🔔Don't forget to click the bell and like this video! 📸 Our videos are created to help people with their problems online. 🔎 Most Asked: #instagram #howtoblocksomeoneoninstagram #howtorestrictsomeoneoninstagram #instagramrestrict #instagramblock #howtohideinstagrampostsfromsomeonewithoutblockingthem #howtoblocksomeoneoninstagramwithoutthemknowing #whathappenswhenyoublocksomeoneoninstagram #howtohideinstagrampostsfromsomeone #howtohideinstagrampostsfromsomeonewithoutblocking #instagramtutorials