Broken Ball Joint In Hells Gate
We got a call for a SxS that had broken a ball joint in Hells Gate. So we jumped in Mini-Mater and headed out there. We swung by Moab Side by Side and grabbed a factory ball joint to replace it with. We got out there and decided to back down the gate to see if we could carry it up or just repair it in place. We went with repairing it in place. We managed to get the old ball joint out and the new one in without removing the a-arm. Then we got the axleshaft spline back together and reassembled everything. They were able to finish the climb and continue wheeling for the rest of the day. Thank you everyone for watching and supporting us. Merchandise available at https://trailmater.com Trailmater Trail Rope by Yankum Ropes: https://trailmatertrailrope.com #trailmater #moab #offroadrecovery #wheeling #offroadwrecker #minimater #premierpowerwelder #harborfreight