Apostle Micheal Orokpo, the Lord's servant is a compendium of revelation and we are tasked by the grace of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit to highlight critical revelatory points to afford you the opportunity to meditate and profit from the different dimensions of the word preached. God bless you as you receive the word in Jesus' name. ⚑SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL⚑ To be impacted powerfully through our anointed video messages so as to aid you to overcome daily as you walk with God, please subscribe and don't forget to hit the notification bell to always be reminded whenever we upload. Thanks and God bless you. Our purpose, when making these video, is to make spiritual and edifying videos and share with our viewers. 1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2)This video is also used for teaching purposes. 3)It is transformative in nature. 4)I ONLY used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary. #TheYearOfExceedingGreatRewards #ApostleMichaelOrokpo #EncounterJesusMinistries #ApostleMichaelOrokpoMessages apostle michael orokpo michael orokpo sermons apostle michael orokpo relationship messages michael orokpo messages michael orokpo 2023 nigeria michael orokpo prayer kenya the seeing eye apostle michael orokpo midnight prayer by apostle michael orokpo apostle michael orokpo worship songs michael orokpo worship michael orokpo messages 2023 morning declaration by apostle michael orokpo commanding your morning michael orokpo prayer michael orokpo apostle michael orokpo michael orokpo sermons michael orokpo 2023 apostle michael orokpo prayer midnight prayer michael orokpo prayer in tongues midnight prayer by apostle michael orokpo michael orokpo messages 2025 morning prayer michael orokpo michael orokpo warfare prayer apostle michael orokpo michael orokpo apostle michael orokpo michael orokpo messages michael orokpo 2024 michael orokpo prayer apostle michael orokpo worship songs apostle michael orokpo 2023