How to Cook Perfect Burgers with Mushroom & Onion Gravy!

How to Cook Perfect Burgers with Mushroom & Onion Gravy!

Cook the burgers on one side until a deep brown crust forms about 3 minutes Flip the burgers and cook until the burger is cooked to your desired doneness I do mine for 3 to 4 more minutes for medium Pink in the center Transfer cooked burgers to a plate and set aside For the mushroom and onion gravy Once the burgers are cooked reduce heat in the same skillet to medium and add butter to melt. FIND THIS NEXT CLIP Delicious Cajun Mushroom Gravy Recipe: Flavorful and Easy to Make or WATCH THE FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE CALLED: Grandma's Secret Mushroom Hamburger Steak & Onion Recipe Revealed! Link to Full Video:    • Grandma's Secret Mushroom Hamburger S...   Welcome to Wine Country's Finest Marinades (WCF) Marinade is the Perfect Blend of Flavors, Longevity & Convenience. A COOKING SAUCE & MARINADE IN WINE BOTTLES (750ml) THREE FLAVORS OFFERED: MILD, MEDIUM & SPICY in Wine Bottles 6 To 8 BBQ's Per/Bottle * NO REFIGERATION REQUIRED* COUPONS: PURCHASE BOTTLES: APPAREL: Try the WCF Q&A App: Pose Your Barbecue Inquiries & We Shall Supply the Necessary Responses, Questions & Answers #Marinade #WCFMarinade #WCFMarinadeSet #WineCountrysFinest #EasyCooking #bbqmarinade #bbq #bbqlovers #bbqsauce #bbqmaster #bbqfamiliy #madeformeat #bbqchicken #foodporn #foodstagram #bbqporn #instafood #bbqtime #madeformeat #bbqbattle #bbqchickent #diybbq #diymarinade #cook #cooking #cookingsauce #sauce #grillmeister #grillingout #bbqsmoker #Mild #Medium #Spicy #foodboom #foodie #bbqaddiction #grilledchicken #food #805 #pasorobles #93446 #grillchef #spices #barbeque #chicken #tasty #delicious #centralcoast #chicken #cooking #meals #cook #mealprep #food #prepcook #gourmet #foodstyling #eatgood #dinner #culinary #lunch #beach #lake #rv #camping #hiking #boats #yacht #survival #kitchen #staple @everyone WEBSITE: MARINADE NEVER EXPIRES