PANIC ATTACK SUBLIMINAL - Anxiety Relief - Calm your mind
I'm sorry to hear about your panic attack experience, hopefully this subliminal will offer some help to calm your mind. Subliminal messages can assist in reducing the intensity and frequency of panic attacks by calming the mind and promoting positive coping strategies. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position where you feel safe and secure and focus on your breathing by using the pulsating circle in this video to assist you. Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself during a panic attack and know that it will pass. If you continue to experience panic attacks regularly, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. Take care. All content on my channel is for entertainment and informative purposes only. Information shared on the channel is not a replacement for professional advice or treatment of any kind. You are free to engage with all content I create on my channel but do so with an understanding of the above. I encourage you to seek professional advice relating to any emotional/health issues you have that may be causing you concern. If you place any decision making or reliance upon this information, that is at your own discretion. Sweet Dreams Love, peace and harmony x #subliminal #panicattackrelief #anxiety #anxietyrelief