Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough  Part 25 - Chapter 9 Shooting Range, ALL S RANK

Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough Part 25 - Chapter 9 Shooting Range, ALL S RANK

Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) walkthrough using the best strategies to help gamers of all skill levels completely master the game. This is not a blind playthrough. I practice and study before uploading all videos. This remake was released just a few weeks ago and is a complete overhaul of the original Resident Evil 4 over-the-shoulder third person shooter released in 2005. Available on PC, PS5, PS4 and Xbox. This is the PC version. ABOUT MAJOR SLACK Major Slack is a veteran gamer who has been playing video games ever since they were first invented. (No joke. He was right there plunking his quarters into Pong when it first came out at the arcades in 1972.) Help keep REAL walkthroughs alive on Youtube. Donate to Major Slack!   / majorslack