Diet Cabbage Soup | Quick Weight Loss Recipe | Detox Your Body cabbage soup#mediterranean diet
Diet Cabbage Soup | Quick Weight Loss Recipe | Detox Your Body cabbage soup #mediterranean diet mediterraneandiet #cabbagesoup #detox #detoxrecipe #vegansoup #veganrecipes#cabbagesoup #dietsoup #dietrecipe #dietrecipe Looking for a quick and easy way to detox your body and lose weight? This diet cabbage soup recipe is just what you need! As part of a plant-based Mediterranean diet, this cabbage soup is packed with nutrients and can help you reach your weight loss goals. This vegan recipe is easy to make and is perfect for meal prep or a quick lunch. Cabbage has many benefits, including aiding in detox and weight loss, and when combined with other healthy ingredients, it makes for a delicious and nutritious meal. In this video, we'll show you how to make this easy detox soup, perfect for anyone looking for vegan weight loss tips and healthy meal prep ideas. With its Mediterranean diet inspiration, this cabbage soup recipe is not only good for you, but it's also incredibly tasty. So if you're looking for a healthy and easy recipe to add to your weight loss journey, look no further! Ingredients:- 1 pcs Sweet Potato शकरकंद 1 Large Onion प्याज़ 2 Diced Tomatoes कटे हुए टमाटर 1 /2 Teaspoon Oregano 1/2 चम्मच अजवायन 1/2 Teaspoon Pepper 1/2 चम्मच काली मिर्च 1 pcs Diced Onion 1 पीस कटे हुए प्याज़ 1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder 1/2 चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर 1 Teaspoon Ginger 1 चम्मच अदरक 1 Teaspoon Rock Salt 1 चम्मच सेंधा नमक 1/2Teaspoon Cumin 1/2 चम्मच जीरा 2 Teaspoon Olive Oil 2 चम्मच जैतून का तेल 1 Lemon 1 नींबू 1 & 1/2 Water 1 & 1/2 पानी Corriander Leaves धनिया पत्ती YOUTUBE LINK VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6JN... LINK / shree_anandam_kitchen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT