04/28/24 10am Mass - 5th Sunday of Easter

04/28/24 10am Mass - 5th Sunday of Easter

Music is being streamed with permission under Onelicense.net #A701776. All rights reserved. Celebrants - Father Greg (with Deacon Josh) Readings: 1st - Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31 2nd - 1st John 3:18-24 Gospel - John 15:1-8 Songs: Opening - We Have Been Told (Worship 763) Psalm 22 - I will praise you Lord in the assembly of your people. Sprinkling Rite - Celtic Alleluia Preparation - I Am the Vine (Worship 823) Communion 1 - Draw Near (Worship 935) **Communion 2 - I Receive the Living God (Worship 923) Communion Anthem - Teach Me O Lord (sung by the Parish Choir) Closing - Deliver Us O Lord of Truth (Worship 751) ** may be omitted as a result of Choristers' songs