Basel-III in Indian Context |10 Question - Dr. D Subbarao | Money & Banking GE,

Basel-III in Indian Context |10 Question - Dr. D Subbarao | Money & Banking GE,

Hey Everyone:) Welcome to the Economics classes for : Generic Elective (GE), B.Com (H), P, BA, BA (H), Bsc (H), MA, UGC etc. Delhi University course. Kolkata University Course All India university course. In this video, we will be continuing Unit 4 of Money & Banking we will do 1 to 4 question of Basel - 3 Q1. There is a view that it was actually the risk sensitive framework of Basel II that caused the crisis. Is that view valid? Q2. How is Basel III an improvement over Basel II? Q3. What is the additional capital that Indian banks have to mobilize to conform to Basel III? What are the options for, and challenges in, raising this size of capital? Q4. Will Basel III hurt growth? For Notes, you have to whatsapp me your name Your course Your college Your state at 9643399334 (My Whatsapp Number) Join My telegram Channel for further information : Telegram Channel Name : Economics by Pratham Sir . . . Instagram : Prathamsingh999 Whatsapp : 9643399334 Instagram :   / prathamsing   #bcomhons #bcom #pratham #Actualgdp #Potentiagdp #macroeconomics #economicsbyprathamsingh #bcomhons_&_baeco #bsceco #bcomhons #bcomprogramme #delhiuniversity #chapter1 #pratham #principlesofeconomichishi