Correct Date & Time For 100% Accurate Pregnancy Test | Pregnancy Test Instructions | Mylo Family

Correct Date & Time For 100% Accurate Pregnancy Test | Pregnancy Test Instructions | Mylo Family

What are the right pregnancy test instructions and what is the correct date & time for 100% accurate pregnancy test results ? Mylo family channel has all the answers to this question. Some pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy before a period is due, but the body needs time to increase its levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) for a reliable result. Testing before a missed period can increase the risk of a false negative result. Some tests are very sensitive and can show if you are pregnant before your period is due. However, it is best to wait until at least the first day of a missed period to take any test. For a more accurate result, take the test a week after your missed period. The reason you shouldn’t take a test too soon is that pregnancy tests work by measuring levels of HCG, a hormone that is only present if you’re pregnant. The body only releases HCG if a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus in a process known as implantation. Implantation usually happens around 10 days after conception, when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Traces of HCG are present from 6 days after implantation, but it typically takes 7–10 days after implantation for the body to build up enough HCG to show up on a test. If you have an irregular cycle and don’t know when your period was due, it’s best to take the test at least 21 days after having unprotected sex. You may receive an inaccurate result if you take the test too early in your cycle. There are different ways to confirm pregnancy. out of which 2 best ways are discussed well in this video. Keep watching it till the end and clear your doubts. You can watch similar videos on conception, pregnancy & parenting made by doctors. Also use free tools like ovulation & period tracker, fetus tracker, personalized diet charts and much more on Mylo App! Explore more Mylo products here: Download India's #1 pregnancy & parenting app here - Follow Mylo on Instagram - Subscribe to Mylo Family YouTube channel & click on the bell icon to receive regular updates. 00:00 - Intro 00:55 - When to take a pregnancy test? 01:21 - If your periods are coming on a fixed date 01:44 - If your periods are irregular 02:09 - Types of pregnancy test 02:18 - Home pregnancy test 02: 40 - If the home pregnancy test is positive then.. 03:00 - How to take a home pregnancy test? 03:58 - Common mistakes to avoid 04:40 - Outro This video will also help you to know about: pregnancy test positive, how to take a pregnancy test, pregnancy test positive result, how to do a home pregnancy test, reason of negative pregnancy, early detection pregnancy test, how to use a pregnancy test kit, how to confirm pregnancy without taking a test, pregnancy test positive and negative, pregnancy test comparison, pregnancy test time lapse, two lines on pregnancy test, correct date & time for 100% accurate pregnancy test, pregnancy test instructions, mylo family #confirmpregnancy #pregnancytest #mylofamily