सर्दियों में ये सब खाये किडनी रोगी | Best Diet for Kidney Patient in Winter | Dr Puru Dhawan

सर्दियों में ये सब खाये किडनी रोगी | Best Diet for Kidney Patient in Winter | Dr Puru Dhawan

People should be aware of winter food. For example, your kidney is already damaged, so waste products like creatinine, urea and potassium also increase in the body. Creatinine - This is a useless substance that builds up in the muscles throughout the day. If the kidney is working properly, it is excreted through urine. In order to lower the creatinine level, a kidney failure patient should regularly cut down on his/her diet in light protein diet like vegetables (pulses, cereals) and milk. Urea - It is a nitrogenous phase produced by the liver during the metabolism of food. Diet also plays an important role here as it will be difficult for the body to digest a high-protein diet which will lead to complications. Potassium - Like creatinine and urea levels, potassium levels also play an important role in the kidneys. An increased amount can be fatal for the heart and can cause many heart problems. Therefore, it is important to choose the right food suitable for the body. #creatinine #kidneypatients #creatinine_treatment_in_ayurveda #kidneyfailure