ASMR Reiki Session | Lunar Session | New Moon in Scorpio | Planting seeds of manifestation
Hello and welcome my beautiful friends. Today's session is a Lunar Session where we will be connecting with the Scorpio New Moon. Connecting with those energies of our emotional waters, of transformation and metamorphosis. Allowing us to release our fears and remove any unwanted energies and aiding us in planting seeds of manifestation. Triggers Include: Hand movements, Flutters, close contact, channeled energy, oils, crystals, words, smoke, tapping. I hope you enjoy this session and I cant wait to hear what you have to say and how it impacted your being. Thank you for being here! I truly appreciate your presence. #asmrreiki #healingthroughreiki #healingsessions #newmoon #scorpio #newmooninscorpio #crystalhealing #reiki