St Michaels Lutheran, Lockport, NY 5 23 21

St Michaels Lutheran, Lockport, NY 5 23 21

St Michael’s Lutheran, Wolcottsville, NY May 23, 2021, Pentecost, Sunday Worship: Lutheran Service Book Divine Service 3 Sermon Topic: “He Will Declare” Sermon Text: Acts 2:1-21 Hymn 496 Holy Spirit, Light Divine (1-5) Hymn 500 Creator, Spirit by Whose Aid (1-4) Hymn 497 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord Serving Today Pastor Alan Bauch Organist: Matthew Willadsen -We are glad you are able to view the service. If you need Pastoral care or have questions, our information is available at Services are often posted on St Michaels’ Lutheran Church and Preschool Facebook page Let us know if you are watching by tapping the “Like”