B.com(H/P) | CH-6 Memorandum of Association | Company law | Semester 3rd |Sol Du| MOA | COMPANY LAW|
B.com(H/P) | CH-6 Memorandum of Association | Company law | Semester 3rd |Sol Du| B.com(H/P) | CH-6 Memorandum of Association | Company law | Semester 3rd |Sol Du| B.com(H/P) | CH-6 Memorandum of Association | Company law | Semester 3rd |Sol Du| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vivek Mishra~Economics Subscribe: / @vivekmishraeconomics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👇👇 All units chapter wise link below 👇👇 NOTES are available.. UNIT-1= CH-1= • B.com(H/P)| Unit 1, CH-1 INTRODUCTION... CH-2= • B.com(H/P) | CH-2 Administration of C... CH-3= • B.com(H/P)| CH-3 Types of Companies |... CH-4= • B.com(H/P)| CH-4 Types of Companies |... CH-5= • B.com(H/P) | CH-5 Formation of The Co... UNIT-2= CH-6= • B.com(H/P) | CH-6 Memorandum of Assoc... CH-7= • B.com(H/P) | CH-7 Article of Associat... CH-8= • B.com(H/P) | CH-8 Prospectus | Compan... CH-9= • B.com(H/P) | CH-9 Shares | Company la... UNIT-3= CH-10= • B.com(H/P) | Unit-3 |CH-10 Company Ma... UNIT-4= CH-11= • B.com(H/P) | Unit-4 | CH-11 Company M... UNIT-5= CH-12= • B.com(H/P) | Unit-5 | CH-12 Dividends... CH-13= • B.com(H/P) | Unit-5 | CH-13 Winding u... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👇👇 TOPIC DISCUSS IN THIS CHAPTER BELOW 👇👇 Unit II: Documents and shares Memorandum of Association and its alteration, Articles of Association and its alteration, Doctrine of constructive notice and indoor management; Prospectus: shelf and red herring prospectus, misstatement in prospectus; Book building; Issue, allotment and forfeiture of share, call on shares; Issue of sweat capital; employee stock option; Issue of bonus shares; Transfer and transmission of shares, buyback and D-Mat system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #delhi_university #soldu #companylaw #company_law_soldu #Semester3_company_law #bcom_semester3 #soldu_company_law_bcom #law #xplain_channel #xplain #law #business_law #ugcnet #industrial #Industriallaw #companylawrevision #bcom_delhiuniversity_law -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplainingxplainn xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplainxplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplainXplain, explains, xplaining, Xplain, xplain xplain, xplains, explains, xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain,vivek economics, vivek sir economics, vivek guruji economics, vivek economics academy, economics by vivek sir, vivek sir economics classes, vivek economics explained, vivek mishra, vivek mishra study channel, vivek mishra video, vivek, vivek economics sir hindi , Vivek mishra Study Channel, Vivek study channel, study channel, Economics study channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✍️✍️Friends Company Law ke notes ready ho gy h kisi students ko purchase krne h too whatsapp no pr contact krke purchase kr skta h. mob: contact me 8059639586 (10am to 8pm) only.👈 Apke sol regards Questions or doubts telegram pr solve kre jyge intrested students join now😊😊students mai app sbki puri help krne ki try kruga all students keep supporting 😊 me .... like /share and subscribe our channel Xplain and support ☺️ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) sol du official site link =https://sol.du.ac.in/ 2) Instagram site official link= https://www.instagram.com/deveshmishr... 3) Telegram channel= https://t.me/deveshXplainofficial -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks u all dear friends 😊❤️❤️❤️ Devesh Mishra