If you're over 65, never say these 8 things to your children (Number 8 is essential)
#AdviceForElderly #SeniorHealth #healthyaging As we age, maintaining a healthy relationship with our children becomes more important than ever. If you're over 65, it's essential to choose your words wisely. In this video, we discuss the 8 things you should never say to your children, and why Number 8 is absolutely crucial for preserving peace and harmony in your family. By understanding what not to say, you can strengthen your bond with your children and foster mutual respect and love. Whether it’s about their life choices, your health, or their responsibilities, these are the phrases that can unintentionally cause harm. If you're over 65, avoiding these common mistakes can make all the difference. Watch until the end to ensure that your words bring your family closer rather than pushing them away. If you're over 65, never say these things to your children! Learn how small changes in communication can lead to greater understanding and connection with your family. Don’t forget: Number 8 is essential! #HealthyLivingelderly #seniorhealth #lifelessonsfromtheelderly #lifelessonsfromoldman #AdviceFromOldPeople