Noon Power Hour - Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 12:00pm

Noon Power Hour - Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 12:00pm

Noon Power Hour - Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 12:00pm Wonderful Wednesday With Jesus Rev. Monica Parker “On Your Mark, Get Set God’s Way, and Go!” Thanks you for worshipping with the First Baptist Church of Highland Park Dr. Henry P. Davis III, Pastor You can also follow us on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram & Twitter; as well as through our Mobile App available on the Apple App & Google Play stores. WATCH/follow (@FBCHighlandPark) FBHP website: Facebook: YouTube:    / firstbaptistchurchofhighlandpark   Twitter: @FBCHighlandPark GIVE Website: Givelify: (or use the Givelify App) CashApp: $FBCHighlandPark Text2Give: Text FBHPGIVE to 73256 Abundant: Our Regular Worship Schedule is: Saturday - 6:30 PM ET Sunday - 7:30 AM & 10:45 AM Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM #FBHPLive #FBHP #CityOnTheHill #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark #BeyondTheWalls #NextLevelFaith