Wednesday Morning Prayer - August 19, 2020
To receive information about the ongoing ministries of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Glenwood, subscribe to our weekly enews: https://bit.ly/2YYmVBY . Making Donations while Staying at Home: The Vestry wishes to express deep gratitude to the entire congregation for their ongoing financial support of the parish and its ministries. Because you continue to give, we are worshiping in an online format, reaching out to those who are suffering, planning for fall ministries, and staying connected by offering one another love and support as Christian community. Thank you! Pledges and offerings that one would normally place in the Sunday offering plate can be mailed to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, PO Box 52, Glenwood, MD 21738. You may also give online to St. Andrew’s, Glenwood using the system set up by the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland: https://episcopalmaryland.org/my-offe... “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2