Your responsibility in building the kingdom of God  Apostle Grace Lubega

Your responsibility in building the kingdom of God Apostle Grace Lubega

Apostle Grace Lubega explains why you should pray big, He explains and says all things are yours and you should take the responsibility to build the kingdom of God, God cannot withhold anything good from you, If He gave His only son for you surely, What can He withhold from you, this is your Father's world, everything you see was designed to favor you, All are yours and you are Christ's. You cannot out give God. Pray Big. #phaneroministriesinternational #phaneroo #phaneroomusic #phanerooonlineservice #apostlegracelubega From the Phaneroo sunday service held on 15th October 2023. #ChristianContent #BibleStudy #ChristianLife #FaithJourney #WorshipWednesday #JesusSaves #PraiseAndWorship #Devotional #FaithInspiration #ChristianMusic #PrayerWarrior #BibleVerseOfTheDay #TestimonyTuesday #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianLiving #GospelMessage #GraceUponGrace #ChurchFamily #ChristianMinistry #HeIsRisen #HopeInChrist #GraceAbounds #ChristianEncouragement #SundaySermon #EternalLife