2024-10-03 Greek Orthodox Supplications (Paraklesis) to the Theotokos (Holy Virgin Mary) @ 10 AM EST
LIVE STREAM High Definition (HD) broadcast of the Greek Orthodox Supplications (Paraklesis) to the Theotokos. The Paraklesis to the Theotokos is a service of supplication and intercession to the Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. The service consists of a supplicatory canon and other hymns addressed directly to the Holy Virgin Mary that are chanted during the two-week Dormition Fast (August 1st-August 14th). The Dormition Fast is a time of prayer and fasting before the feast of the Dormition (or Assumption) of the Theotokos on August 15th. There are two forms of the Paraklesis Canon: the Great Paraklesis and the Small Paraklesis. The Great Paraklesis is chanted during the Dormition Fast. The Small Paraklesis is chanted during times of distress and sorrow of the soul during the majority of the year and is also chanted during the Dormition Fast. Our Eastern Orthodox service is conducted mainly in English and Greek and live-streamed from Saint Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Subscribers to / @saintmark are invited to participate in our online public Live Chat during the service. We encourage you to introduce yourself by giving your name and the city/state/country from where you are worshiping with us. Please Light a Candle & Say a Prayer at https://saintmarkboca.square.site/ #orthodoxlivestream, #orthodox , #Service, #English, #Greek, #GreekOrthodox, #EasternOrthodox, #healing, #Supplications, #Paraklesis, #Paraclesis