401(K) Basics Explained in Under 5 minutes!

401(K) Basics Explained in Under 5 minutes!

Welcome to Talk 2 See! In this week's episode Falc covers the basics of having a 401(k). The What? Why? and How? so you can understand everything you need to know about one of the most important personal finance inventions there are. .. Videos: How to Invest for Retirement? (EASY, MEDIUM and HARD) -    • How to Invest for Retirement? (EASY, ...   ACTIVE VS PASSIVE FUNDS - Which Are Best For You? -    • ACTIVE VS PASSIVE FUNDS - Which Are B...   3 ETFs to Invest for the FUTURE! -    • 3 ETFs to Invest for the FUTURE! (2021)   0:00-0:27 Intro 0:00-1:21 What? 1:21-2:57 Why? 2:57-4:13 How? 4:13-5:07 Conclusion Subscribe! Follow us on Instagram (@Talk2See):   / talk2see   Follow us on Twitter (@Talk2See):   / talk2see   Follow us on TikTok (@Talk2See):   / talk2see