[메가존] Google Cloud Next ’20 - Recap: Week 1. Industry Insights

[메가존] Google Cloud Next ’20 - Recap: Week 1. Industry Insights

#GoogleCloudNext #Megazone #IndustryInsights 클라우드 맛집, 메가존이 배달하는 Google Cloud Next OnAir Recap! 이번 주는 'Week 1 Industry Insights' 주제, 주간 하이라이트 소식을 전해드립니다 ▼ Next OnAir 1주차 본 영상 바로가기 ▼ 1 Opening Keynote (한글 자막): 2 Planning for Retail’s New Priorities: 3 Reimagining Healthcare in the Era of COVID-19: 4 Solving for the Future of Financial Services: 5 Simplifying Complexity in Gaming: 6 The Direct-to-Consumer Future of Media and Entertainment: 7 Accelerating Telecommunications Growth: 8 Addressing the 'New Normal' In Manufacturing: ▼ 메가존의 Recap 영상 다시보기 ▼ Week 1 Industry Insights → Week 2 Productivity & Collaboration → Week 3 Infrastructure → Week 4 Security → Week 5 Data Analytics → Week 6 Data Management & Databases → Week 7 Application Modernization → Week 8 Cloud AI → Week 9 Business Application Platform → Google Cloud Next에 대한 모든 것! 메가존에 문의하세요 ▶ 문의하기 : ▶ 페이스북 : ▶ 블로그 :