[WR] Borderlands 3 Wedding DLC Speedrun in 55:20

[WR] Borderlands 3 Wedding DLC Speedrun in 55:20

Slowly getting all my Ungeared DLC world records back :D I found a new version of the Early Cemetery FT OOB, and a way to skip running through the Dahl base in Negul Neshai which saved a decent amount of time. This run is done under the restricted ruleset which only allows the use of one patch, one hotfix, and one date/time throughout the entire run. Twitch VOD:   / 1863505498   Twitch -   / deceptix_   Discord server -   / discord   Twitter -   / deceptix_   Speedrun.com Profile - https://www.speedrun.com/user/Deceptix_ 00:00:00 -- Skittermaw Basin 00:06:35 -- Vincent 00:15:59 -- Burton 00:21:26 -- Archives 00:27:31 -- Eista 00:33:24 -- Wendigo 00:45:15 -- Negul Neshai 01:01:00 -- The Heart