Is bisexuality a phase? BISEXUAL answers questions NOT to ask a Bisexual
Today, I, a bisexual, looked up articles filled with common questions that can be a little offensive to ask bisexuals and answered them. I am only one bisexual with only my experiences to go by, but I hope I can answer some common questions you might have about bisexuality. CORRECTION: Homosexual behavior refers, in my case as a woman, to any sexual or romantic behavior that happens with any person besides a man. I misspoke during the video around minute 18. Links to more questions and answers about bisexuality: https://www.hrc.org/resources/bisexua... https://bi.org/en/articles/10-questio... https://aninjusticemag.com/5-question... https://bi.org/en/questions https://www.britannica.com/story/how-...