Warren Buffett: 1 Year Challenge On How To Get Rich In 2023
#stockmarketnews #warrenbuffet #howtogetrich #2023 In the previous 10 to 15 years, the financial markets saw unprecedented expansion. More specifically, the stock market had one of its strongest decades in over 140 years 10 years after the global financial crisis peaked. The S&P 500's profits have approximately quadrupled and its price has increased by more than thrice during that time. Cheap money was unquestionably a key driver of this unparalleled expansion. Because 2.5% in 2019 was the highest interest rate at the time. Consequently, getting money has become cheaper and easier. And as a result, it became simpler for companies to flourish, for investors to profit more, and for values to rise. By the end of 2019, it was widely believed that everything one purchases quickly doubles in value. The bubble eventually burst, but this time it was due to a pandemic. Finally, the extraordinary ten-year run came to an end, investors' enthusiasm waned, and they began withdrawing their funds from the stock market. The epidemic caused global upheaval, corporate closures, and a collapse of the financial markets. The investing industry was pushed to its knees by the recession, which was gloomy. In order to assist their governments in meeting some of the pandemic-related expenses, central banks throughout the world began printing money. If you found this video beneficial, please share it with your friends! Consider subscribing to the channel for motivational videos about investing, business, the stock market, money management, wealth creation, passive income, and other financial topics! ------------------------------------------------ 🎥 We possess commercial licences for all of the content used in this film, with the exception of bits regarding the topic that were used under fair use, and we edited it entirely. Please contact us through email under the channel's "About" section if you have any complaints or business enquiries.