King's Chapel Live Stream / April 28, 2024/ Sunday Morning Service.

King's Chapel Live Stream / April 28, 2024/ Sunday Morning Service.

April 28, 2024/ King's Chapel. Sunday Morning Service. Welcome to the YouTube Channel of Kings Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica. Thank You For Watching Us!!. Please Like, Share, Subscribe. Click the notification bell for instant updates on when we are live. Do you want to get into contact with the Church? CONTACT OUR Landline (876) 952-1248 OR WhatsApp Us @ (876) 227-1720 Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms: Instagram:   / kingschapel.  . TO GIVE: FUNDS CAN BE MADE PAYABLE TO: KING’S CHAPEL UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, ALBION ROAD, MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (BNS) 1 PORT AVE. FAIRVIEW, MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA SAVINGS A/C # 855725 JAMAICA SAVING A/C # 855726 US BRANCH CODE: 90605 If you are ever interested in visiting us our location is, 91 Albion Rd, Montego Bay, St. James.