Paulist Center - Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Click here for the order of worship: https://www.paulistcenter.org/order-o... Join us for Mass to celebrate the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time at the Paulist Center at 10:00AM on August 21, 2022. This weekend's 5% Community Gift will go to My Brother's Table. To give to the Paulist Center, please visit https://tinyurl.com/DonatePaulistCenter or text your whole dollar donation amount to 844-899-7511. This weekend we designate our gift to My Brother's Table. Located in Lynn, My Brother’s Table’s mission is to nourish the community every day through hospitality, free meals, and unconditional love. It is the largest soup kitchen on the North Shore, and has served over 2 million meals since the pandemic began. We thank you for your continued support.