4 Clear Signs He Is the Man God Sent for You | Christian Relationship Advice| BILLY GRAHAM SPEECH
#Faith, #GodsWill, #BiblicalTruth, #ChristCentered, #GodsPlan, #WalkByFaith, #JesusSaves, #TrustInGod, #KingdomMarriage, #SeekFirstTheKingdom, #PrayerfulLiving, #HolySpiritLed, #LoveLikeChrist, #GodlyMan, #GodlyWoman, #ScriptureTruth, #LiveForChrist, #EternalHope, #GraceAndTruth, #JesusIsLord #GodlyMan, #KingdomMarriage, #FaithfulLove, #ChristCentered, #GodsPlan, #BiblicalMarriage, #WalkByFaith, #GodlyRelationship, #LoveLikeChrist, #WaitingOnGod, #TrustGodsTiming, #MarriageGodsWay, #ChristianDating, #GodSent, #RelationshipGoals, #SpiritLedLove, #JesusAtTheCenter, #GodsBest, #EquallyYoked, #PrayerfulLiving "Discover the 4 signs he is the man God sent for you and learn how to recognize a Godly relationship built on faith, love, and biblical principles. If you're seeking a Christ-centered partner, this guide will help you identify a God-sent man who honors, respects, and strengthens your walk with God. Trust in God’s plan for marriage and find clarity in your Christian dating journey. #GodlyMan #KingdomMarriage #FaithfulLove #ChristianDating #GodSent" #GodlyMan, #KingdomMarriage, #FaithfulLove, #ChristCentered, #GodsPlan, #BiblicalMarriage, #WalkByFaith, #GodlyRelationship, #LoveLikeChrist, #WaitingOnGod, #TrustGodsTiming, #MarriageGodsWay, #ChristianDating, #GodSent, #RelationshipGoals, #SpiritLedLove, #JesusAtTheCenter, #GodsBest, #EquallyYoked, #PrayerfulLiving, #HolySpiritLed, #BiblicalTruth, #GodlyWisdom, #ChristianMarriage, #SeekFirstTheKingdom, #GodHonoringLove, #FaithBasedRelationship, #GraceFilledLove, #MarriageGoals, #LoveGodsWay, #ChristLikeLove, #SpiritualGrowth, #PrayForYourFutureSpouse, #TrustInGod, #PurposeDrivenLove, #EternalHope, #GodOrdained, #WaitOnTheLord, #RighteousLove, #LiveForChrist 00:00 - 01:30 – Introduction (Overview of topic, importance of waiting on God's plan) 01:31 - 06:00 – Sign #1: He Reflects Christ in His Character (Patience, kindness, humility) 06:01 - 10:30 – Sign #2: His Love is Selfless and Sacrificial (Not self-seeking or conditional) 10:31 - 15:00 – Sign #3: He Leads You Closer to God (Strengthens your faith and walk with Christ) 15:01 - 19:30 – Sign #4: Your Relationship is Marked by Peace (Not confusion, for God is not the author of disorder) 19:31 - 23:00 – Key Reminders (Respect, honor, purpose alignment, love in action) 23:01 - 25:00 – Closing Thoughts (Encouragement to trust in God's timing, final prayer or reflection) Godly man, Christ-centered, biblical marriage, Christian dating, faith-based relationship, God’s plan, waiting on God, trust God’s timing, kingdom marriage, love like Christ, prayerful living, spiritual growth, God-honoring love, equally yoked, Holy Spirit-led, purpose-driven love, biblical truth, righteous love, marriage God’s way, God’s best, selfless love, sacrificial love, respect and honor, faith in relationships, Christian courtship, walk by faith, trust in God, divine alignment, seek first the kingdom, God-ordained.