Popular Japanese food videos in 2023 | "Beautiful Fried Rice & Ramen Masters" is No. 1
⬇︎Please subscribe to my channel from here / @sugoumajapanfood This video is a popular food video collection in 2023! 00:00 No. 1 Beautiful Fried Rice & Ramen Masters • Beautiful Fried Rice & Ramen Masters ... Chinese food TonTon MAP→https://maps.app.goo.gl/A41CoM8ZW6izs... TikTok→ / chuuka_1010 Instagram→ / cyuuka1010 WEB→https://cyu-ka-tonton.com 22:23 No.2 The Most Giant Pork Cutlet Bowl in Japan • The Most Giant Pork Cutlet Bowl in Ja... Tonkatu Marushichi Fukagawa Fudo https://goo.gl/maps/45tkykwt4GWZsui89 40:06 No.3 Japanese Onigiri Rice Ball Restaurant • Japanese Onigiri Rice Ball Restaurant... Yamataro Map→https://goo.gl/maps/X7mKcsreyK3DVVk78 Instagram→ / yamataro_onigiri 59:45 No.4 French-born chef’s Mouth-Watering Street Food in Japan • French-born chef’s Mouth-Watering Str... Remi Sanchi https://goo.gl/maps/DuZgSSG2bixHCHYZA 1:13:46 No.5 Giant Pork Cutlet Bowl! Japanese Katsudon & Soba Noodle Restaurant • Giant Pork Cutlet Bowl! Japanese Kats... Kadohei Tsuketen Soba Map→ https://goo.gl/maps/ceAnXsTcmV4ojKoX8 HP→ http://www.kadohei.com/ 1:35:03 No.4 Endless High-End Steaks Grilled at Benjamin's Steak House, Roppongi, Tokyo! • Endless High-End Steaks Grilled at Be... BENJAMIN STEAK HOUSE ROPPONGI MAP→https://maps.app.goo.gl/dq2Nh79Lvq4RU... HP→https://www.benjaminsteakhouse.jp/rop... 2:16:48 No.5 Giant Omelet Egg Sandwich in Japan • Giant Omelet Egg Sandwich in Japan | ... Sundowner Tokyo Omuretsu MAP→https://maps.app.goo.gl/TTPPRQy1eSMo4... Instagram→ / sundownertokyoomuretsu ↓Please support our channel by joining our membership! / @sugoumajapanfood ↓The process of the Japanese Products channel is here! / @sugowazajapan ↓Our travel channel is here! / @sugoumajapantravel We want to share the charm of Japan through Japanese food videos. We will deliver videos that will be useful to people who are traveling to Japan, so please subscribe to our channel! (We use an automatic translation for subtitles, so we apologize that there may be some mistakes.) #japanesefood