Two Week Wait Yoga | Yoga To Aid Implantation | Natural cycle or IVF

Two Week Wait Yoga | Yoga To Aid Implantation | Natural cycle or IVF

This is a very passive yog sadhana to aid implantation during the two week waiting period after ovulation. Safe post embryo transfer or natural cycle. You will need a mat and sleeping pillow for practice. Practice this 2 - 3x a week. Baby Dust ✨ Akshaya Agnes 🌸 Another Two Week Wait Yoga -    • Two Week Wait Yoga | Luteal Phase Yog...   🌸 Yoga for egg quality -    • Fertility Yoga for Egg Quality | Gent...   🌸 Fertility yoga for PCOS -    • Fertility Yoga for PCOS & Hormonal Im...   🌸 Yoga during periods when trying -    • Period Yoga While Trying To Conceive ...   🌸 Effective everyday yoga asanas for fertility -    • Effective Fertility Yoga | Yoga to ge...   ✨ Follow my main fitness channel -    / @akshayaagnes   ✨ Follow me on instagram for fit tips @move.with.agnes ♫ Music from - #implantation #fertilityyoga #twoweekwait