MANLY MEN! REAL! RAW! UNCUT! REACTION!  | The Last of Us | Episode 1x8 "When we are in need"

MANLY MEN! REAL! RAW! UNCUT! REACTION! | The Last of Us | Episode 1x8 "When we are in need"

We've never watched any gameplay or played the game this show is based upon. Please watch and enjoy the journey with us. HBO The Last of Us Episode 1x8 "When we are in need" Patreon:   / channelsee1   Welcome to Channel See 1! We'll be posting reactions, reviews, podcasts, and analysis videos on this channel regarding film, art, music, everything and anything. Check out our personal channels here: Cam aka BigFatNerdyNerd: Demica Jamaal: You can also check out BigFatNerdyNerd on twitch (  / bigfatnerdynerd  ) and catch some of Demica Jamaal's music on spotify ( #thelastofus #hbomax #hbo #joeltlou #ellietlou #tlou #pedropascal #channelsee1 #demicajamaal #bigfatnerdynerd #bellaramsey