FOREX TRADING 2025 : how & when to set break even to move your stop loss & protect your profit

FOREX TRADING 2025 : how & when to set break even to move your stop loss & protect your profit

#forexstrategy​ #forextradingforbeginners​ ""SIMPLE BREAKEVEN strategy to save your MONEY $$$ WHILE YOU ARE DAY TRADER "" Going breakeven on trades is a great theory as it protects you from hitting stop loss on winning trades. However when done incorrectly you will end up missing out on big wins by being taken out before the big move takes place. In today's video I'm going to show you how to go breakeven strategically to avoid missing big wins and also remove the risk of big losses! DORE UMU BLOCK MWIZA MWAKORANA FOREX TRADING GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNING    • FOREX TRADING GUIDE TO START MAKING M...       SETTING STOP LOSS AND TAKE PROFIT THE RIGHT WAY IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL FOREX TRADING. In this video you'll learn how to set Stop-Loss and Take-Profit . GROUP WHATSAPP LINK In this video we show you everything you need to know about trading forex as a beginner, fast. If you know absolutely nothing about forex, this is for you as we'll go through all the forex topics you need to know from beginning to end. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL