Strong Tower Church Ft Lauderdale // Worship Experience // Sunday August 20, 2023
#STCFTL, #STRONGTOWER , #STCWORSHIP, #PASTORC We hope this worship celebration was of tremendous blessing to you. At Strong Tower we so appreciate being able to value you and add value to you, as you multiply value to others. To financially support STC, type this URL in your browser; strongtowerint.org/give. Use CashAPP $stcftl or Zelle with ID: [email protected] for added convenience. Thanks for your generous partnership. WEBSITE: stcftl.org EMAIL: [email protected] CONTACT: 954-739-6053 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 190435 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33319 ZELLE TRANSFER: $stcftl CASHAPP: 954-257-1343