BEST Buy Sell TradingView Indicator tested 100 Times = 300% PROFIT (FULL STRATEGY BACK-TEST)
✅To access the indicator & the back-testing software: Link in channel description Welcome to TradingNinja, your go-to channel for trading strategies and tips to help you improve your profits. In this video, we'll be sharing with you the most powerful indicator that can take your trading game to the next level. HOW DID WE GET 300% PROFIT? Well, as shown over 50 trades we made over 70% profit. This strategy takes an average of 50 trades every quarter which averages out to 300% per year. Thanks. In this video, we're going to explore the world of trading indicators on TradingView. As traders, we know the importance of using the right tools to analyze the markets and make informed trading decisions. In this tutorial, we'll be looking at the best TradingView indicators and how to use them to improve your trading strategy. We'll start by discussing the concept of backtesting and how it can help you validate your trading strategy using historical data. We'll also go over how to backtest on TradingView and analyze the results to refine your trading approach. Next, we'll explore algo trading and how it can help you automate your trading decisions based on specific conditions. We'll dive into the process of creating and testing an algorithmic trading strategy on TradingView. We'll also cover how to paper trade on TradingView to practice your trading skills without risking real money. This is a great way to test your trading strategy in a simulated environment before putting your capital on the line. We'll then introduce the concept of scalping trading strategy and how it can help you make profits from short-term price movements. We'll look at the best buy sell indicators on TradingView for scalping trading and how to use them to identify trading opportunities. Finally, we'll conclude the video by showcasing the best TradingView premium free indicators that you can use to enhance your trading strategy. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this video is packed with valuable information that can help you improve your trading strategy. So, grab your notepad and get ready to learn. Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel for more trading tips and strategies. Happy trading! Hashtags: #tradingview #tradingviewindicator #besttradingviewindicator #buysellindicatortradingview #tradingviewbestindicators #tradingviewpremiumfree #backtesting #tradingbacktest #algotrading #howtobacktestontradingview #howtopapertradeontradingview #scalpingtradingstrategy #bestbuysellindicatortradingview #buyandsellindicatortradingview #tradingstrategy #tradingtools #tradingskills #tradingdecisions #tradingtutorial #tradingtips #tradingeducation #tradingcommunity #forextrading #stocktrading #cryptotrading #daytrading #swingtrading #investing #tradingseohashtags DISCLAIMER: The content on this channel is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. We are not financial advisors and do not provide investment advice. Seek professional advice before making investment decisions. The information we provide is based on our own research, analysis, and experience, and we cannot guarantee that you will achieve similar results. Trading and investing carry risks, and you are solely responsible for your decisions. We may recommend certain tools or products, but we do not endorse or guarantee them, and we are not liable for any losses or damages resulting from their use. We may include affiliate links to products or services that we believe in and use ourselves. Purchasing through these links may earn us a commission. We are not liable for any losses or damages resulting from the use of the information provided on this channel. By using this channel, you agree to these terms and conditions.