First Congregational Church UCC - Gray, Maine - Worship Service  w Children's Program - Dec 17, 2023

First Congregational Church UCC - Gray, Maine - Worship Service w Children's Program - Dec 17, 2023

Third Sunday of Advent - Joy Pastor- Reverend Brian Donovan Choir Anthem: He Will Come Choir Director: Jane Hedstrom Organist: Becky Hanaburgh Scripture: Luke 2:5-11 and Luke 4:16-20 Sermon: The Outcast's Birth CCLI # 4365159 Cast of Characters for the Pageant: Narrator: Laney Baby Jesus: Maud Mary and Joseph: Emily and Brian Animals: Miss Samantha, Noah, Janetta, and Shaia Shepherd and sheep: Miss Laurie, Leon and Jennifer (his grandmother), Clark Angels: Sarah, Serena, Soleil, Kendra, Rosalie, Ellie Three Kings: Will, Luke, and Jon