Ultimate list of Bruce Lee quotes |Bruce Lee quotes | Life's Sources

Ultimate list of Bruce Lee quotes |Bruce Lee quotes | Life's Sources

Bruce Lee's life narrative is one of inspiration and determination, and it still holds true in today's environment. Do you want to understand more about Bruce Lee's life and how he prioritises your approach to a challenge? Check out some of Bruce Lee's most inspiring and encouraging quotations. Bruce Lee remains the greatest icon of martial arts cinema and a key figure of modern popular media. Had it not been for Bruce Lee and his movies in the early 1970s, it's arguable whether or not the martial arts film genre would have ever penetrated and influenced mainstream North American and European cinema and audiences the way it has over the past four decades. The influence of East Asian martial arts cinema can be seen today in so many other film genres including comedies, action, drama, science fiction, horror and animation... and they all have their roots in the phenomenon that was Bruce Lee. Bruce Jun Fan Lee (Lee Siu Loong) raised in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee was a child actor appearing in more than 20 films. At the age of 13, Bruce took up the study of wing chun gung fu under renowned wing chun master, Yip Man. Bruce left Hong Kong at the age of 18, came to the United States and made his way to Seattle, Washington where he worked in the restaurant of a family friend. He soon enrolled in the University of Washington where he pursued a degree in philosophy. Bruce began to teach gung fu in Seattle and soon opened his first school, the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute. Two more schools followed in Oakland and Los Angeles. Concurrently Bruce married his wife, Linda and had his two children, Brandon and Shannon. In the mid sixties, Bruce was discovered while doing an exhibition at the Long Beach Internationals and a role as Kato in the tv series The Green Hornet soon followed. During this time, Bruce was also developing his own martial art, which he ultimately named Jeet Kune Do (translated: the way of the intercepting fist). Bruce's art was steeped in a philosophical foundation and did not follow long held martial traditions. Instead it had at its core the ideas of simplicity, directness and personal freedom. After The Green Hornet series was canceled, Bruce encountered resistance while working in Hollywood and so headed to Hong Kong to pursue a film career. In Hong Kong he made 3 films, which consecutively broke all box office records and showcased martial arts in an entirely new way. Hollywood took notice and soon Bruce was making the first Hollywood / Hong Kong coproduction with a film called Enter the Dragon. Unfortunately, Bruce Lee died in 1973 before this film was released. This film catapulted him to international fame. Today Bruce Lee’s legacy of self expression, equality, and pioneering innovation continues to inspire people all around the world. 🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 🎥 Most popular:    • 50 Greatest Elvis Presley Quotes | Mo...   🎥 Latest video:    • Elon Musk Inspirational Lifes Sources...   We hope you enjoyed our humble effort with Bruce Lee comments and our Bruce Lee quotations in general. You might want to subscribe to our channel if you want to stay up to date on famous people's quotes. — 🔴 ** ABOUT THE CHANNEL ** "Our channel is a world of inspirational quotes, thoughts, sayings and entertainment videos. Our desire is to spread the knowledge shared by the world's greatest icons, thinkers, philosophers, politicians, scientists and more. Therefore, subscribe to our channel to maintain an oasis of up-to-date knowledge! *Disclaimer: The material provided by BQubes Digital is for educational, inspirational and entertainment purposes only. " 💡 TOPICS IN THIS VIDEO 💡 Bruce Lee, bruce lee fight, martial arts, bruce lee real fight, bruce lee workout, kung fu, bruce lee training, bruce lee vs chuck norris, training like bruce lee, bruce lee punches, Have you seen these bruce lee quotes, best bruce lee quotes of all time, bruce lee long beach, film bruce lee, bruce lee film, 🔎 HASHTAGS 🔎 #bruceleelongbeach, #filmbrucelee, #BruceLee, #bruceleefight, #martialarts, #bruceleerealfight, #bruceleeworkout, #kungfu, #bruceleetraining, #bruceleevschucknorris, #traininglikebrucelee, #bruceleepunches, #Haveyouseenthesebruceleequotes, #bestbruceleequotesofalltime #bruceleefilm