Transferring your IFISA to Sourced Capital

Transferring your IFISA to Sourced Capital

The Innovative Finance Individual Savings Account or IFISA allows you to invest your money through peer-to-peer lending. An IFISA is a tax-free wrapper, which means any returns generated are exempt from capital gains or income tax which can accelerate the compounding of interest. When transferring, you can move all or part of your money from previous years. However, if you are transferring away from any ISA that contains some of your current year's allowance, you must transfer the whole amount. Once you've selected your investment, you can allocate funds from your IFISA account into a specific investment opportunity. Sourced Capital will facilitate the complete investment process, ensuring a smooth transaction. Join Sourced Capital today and unlock the wealth-building potential of property investments with your IFISA! *Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. #propertyinvestment #propertyinvestmentuk #property #propertydevelopment #propertymanagement #sourced #realestate #propertyinvesting #sourcedcaptial